
larsdenmark avatar image
larsdenmark asked

Connecting Victron blue smart charger to 1 or 2 batteries

Iam using Victron Blue smart charger 12v and Cyrix-ct. The charger can charge 3 batteries. I have connected as on the picture (just without 85 start assist). Shall I also connect the charger (+) direct to the starter battery? Will I then get fully information of both batteries via bluetooth?skærmbillede-2022-09-27-kl-103912.png

battery charging
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Possibly and No....

There is a discussion on it here, and many more I suspect

Connecting both batteries to the same + would create a single battery bank that probably wouldnt work well because its parts, all your batteries, are not matched. Of course this depends on the batteries.

Using one of the other outputs looks plusible but based on a quick search it seems like the charge algorythm is common and thus expecting simmilar batteries to be connected, ballancing them at the absorbe phase of the charge. You need to do some reading but it 'looks' like the indivdual outputs are not seperatly controlled and 'probably' will not do what you want.

I am by no means an expert here in fact I wouldnt even claim to be wll informed but thought it worth replying just to point yu in the right direction.

Hope it helps.

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