
guardianwill avatar image
guardianwill asked

Victron Energy Blue Smart IP22 12-Volt 30 amp Charge Cycle Interrupted

For some reason, I got my new 4S 12 volt 150 ah battery and bms went to charge and as the picture shows the inital cycle gets interrupted and never makes it past absorption.


I have another one, a few months old, exactly the same and the charger works flawlessly with it.

First image here is of the 3 cells reading perfectly the same.


and the last cell to make a 12v battery pack reads

20220924-070056.jpgWhich is why I think it is not fully charging.

As the charger is plugged in the built in volt meter reads 14.2 but as soon as I unplug it it changes immediately to after-unplugging-the-charger-second-time-volt-mete.jpeg

Of course, as many before me has noted it does nothing and gets stuck in the absorption mode phase. The charger will change to a new cycle if it sees a voltage or feeds current for 4 consecutive seconds. This works.

Any help is highly appreciated, thank you


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1 Answer
garrya avatar image
garrya answered ·

I am seeing the same thing (Charge Interupted) on a 100Ah battery. The default for Li is a 2hr Absorption phase, and I'd really like to be able to reduce this... typically I am getting 1hr 20min before an interupt... it has managed a charge cycle so I am hoping this stablises the BMS... I am getting correct voaltage readings on my cells.. Not much help unfortunately, other than the charger does seem to be sensitive to interupt conditions...

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