
ecowhale avatar image
ecowhale asked

What are the advantages of having a Battery Protect with a 24V Tesla Module?

I have a campervan with on 24V 233Ah (in 24V), Tesla lithium module with many other typical RV components. I have a BP between the solar charger and the other larger BP, but don't understand why I need them when I also have charge control parameters for all chargers and a BMV 712 programmed. Everything is working great with the BPs, just wondering what would happen if i remove them?

Battery Protect
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2 Answers
Jay Kote avatar image
Jay Kote answered ·

Guiding princpals:

1. Battery protects should be used to provide temperature and voltage safety in addition to any redundant safety built into other components.

2. Battery protect should use techniques to disable connection to the battery from devices that are software controlled or have high risk of failure. The control off signals going to BPs should be devices that are simple with extremely low risk of failure.

This can be temperature sensors, bms, voltage regulators.

3. In addition DC fuses/breakers should be used for over current protection.

4. DIYers and even manufacturers go cheap on wire. Bigger is better. So spend extra on good thick wire when dc is involved. Amp/Gauges given often assume AC so be careful. Yes, you will be safe following AC guide, but you will have low voltage issues with loads and low voltage safety devices going off when you go cheap.

Remember you have something that can either catch on fire or explode.

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boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

How are you protecting the module? what kind of BMS are you using?

The BMS should connect to the solar chargers, inverter, etc. Battery Protect can be used for DC-loads, and should be switched by the BMS

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