Dear Victron Engineers,
Dear Victron Community,
I have the following setup:
1. EM540
2. 3x Multiplus2 48V-5000kVA attached via AC-IN only
3. Raspberry PI4 8GB with VenusOS 2.90 stable
The setup generally works as expected, but when I look at the EM540 in the remote console meter values change approx. every second = 1Hz
Carlo Gavazzi advertises at least 10Hz (100ms per measurement) with the new meters like the EM540
This is 10x slower than it should be and causes the control loop to produce unwanted power feed and unwanted net power purchased.
When I querry the EM540 via my own Modbus Interface I can easily archive the 10Hz measuring frequency. When I plug that into the ve.bus with a custom python script I can also see the VE-Bus values changing with approx. 10Hz on the remote console (Grid Meter Detail View on the remote Console), but I have the feeling that the control loop of the MP2 on the VE.bus can not catch up?
Anyhow! My custom scripts are a nice experiment, but I wonder if VenusOS currently takes advantage of the 10x increased measuring frequency with the new CG meters?
If that is not the case, is there any way of increasing the grid meter meaurement frequency on venusOS?
If I get the grid data with 10Hz frequency, will the VenusOS control loop utilize the data? Are there any limits that would prevent the MP2 from adjusting with 10 Hz instead of 1Hz?