Hi there. I would like to install two MPPTs 250/60, each with a string of 5 bifacial modules of 660 W (3300 W of installed power), one of the string oriented to the 120° (S-SE) and the other 300° (W-NW), non optimal orientations with 25° of roof slopes. The datasheet of the Smart solar 250/60 states that the "Nominal PV power, 48 V 1a,b)" is 3440 W. Till there, I feel nice.
If I paint my roof with a cool roof coating (a highly reflective paint), the PV efficiency of the bifacial modules can gain up to 25% according to the datasheet of the modules, meaning up to 4125 W of installed power per string (versus 3440 W of nominal PV power, or 48x60 = 2880 W of MPPTs output power): will my MPPTs eventually smoke in summer ?