
thees-thiel avatar image
thees-thiel asked

Quattro II needs mk3-usb

Hello, I am about to install a split phase system with 3 x Quattro II 24v.
Manual says no mk3-usb needed for Multiplus II.

Is this also valid for Quattro II ?

Best Regards


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What manual would this be?

VE bus devices need a mk3 for proper setup.

From the manual:

screenshot-2022-09-18-at-134709.pngSame applies to MP2.

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thees-thiel avatar image
thees-thiel answered ·

Hi, thanks, yes, understood, I was wrong.

I ment the following:

Note: AC Detector for MultiPlus and Quattro (included in VE.Bus BMS delivery) not needed for MultiPlus-II models

Does this also apply to the Quattro II?

Best regards, thees

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