
tjbarney avatar image
tjbarney asked

New Victron Multiplus 2000 Defective and Victron Isn't Fixing Issue

I need urgent help from Victron. A very long story short, my brand new mulitplus 2000 is defective and I have been without my new trailer for 3 months now trying to get it fixed from the dealership. They have sent the multiplus off to the repair center, they sent it back after a month, and it is exactly the same as before and they really didn't repair or do anything besides a software update (so they said). I have to have my trailer next week and the repair center told the dealership they need the multiplus sent back to them. They refused to pay for expedited shipping, and say they cannot just send a new unit to get me going. I paid for what I thought was top of the line product from Victron, wishing now I had spent less money for another brand that would actually work, and have customer support. Can anyone help me please?!

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
What is the problem you have with your device?

If it was checked by the dealer/Victron and they say the device is ok, the problem is maybe somewhere else.

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Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron - Where to buy - Authorised Installers, Sales and Distribution

Warranty and Repairs.