It's recommended, that generator input is moved to higher priority input AC1 and grid to AC2. Then the input roles has to be set accordingly. However, the generator settings -> conditions still shows AC1 in do-not-run-setting. That's a bug.

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It's recommended, that generator input is moved to higher priority input AC1 and grid to AC2. Then the input roles has to be set accordingly. However, the generator settings -> conditions still shows AC1 in do-not-run-setting. That's a bug.
I would also need a temperature sensor condition, with upper and higher level limits as electricity is a generator heat(ing) byproduct.
If I just set relay to be non-generator start, it wont start runtime counters and display it in VRM visualization as running generator even there is incoming current. It needs to be relay triggered.
If I set digital-input as generator, will it set generator running for VenusOS ?
Have you actually set AC1 to 'Generator'?.. Settings > System Setup >
The gen start thing doesn't include this.
I think part of the issue is AC 1 in has voltage detection so the Quattro knows that there is power available on AC 1 and can stop the generator if it is connected to AC 2. From what I recall reading AC 2 in does not have voltage detection.
Victron's choice of AC 1 is based on an unstable or underpowered grid. But this is not always the case.
AC 1 input has priority over AC 2. So you have a choice of which power source you want to have priority. I think that in the case where the grid is stable most of the time and can supply the complete system load it should be connected to AC 1 input and generator connected to AC 2 input. Then Do not run generator when AC 1 is in use makes sense. With that on and grid present power comes from the grid even if the generator start conditions are met. When the grid fails and conditions request the generator to run, it will start and Quattro will switch to AC 2 input.
@Kevin Windrem In my case when genset is started, it should use the electricity coming from it. I use it for heating and generating electricity.
Voltage detection in ac1 makes sense, it’s annoying since once genset starts, it drops grid immediatly and waits 30s for genset to stabilize. If the batteries are empty already, ac-out goes down. And that happens in situation when a good power was already available. So i need to grid-charge a bit before starting the genset. Otherwise I like the genset priority since these days it’s always cheaper power than grid.
Also, it’s very common that genset is running, batteries are near empty and Quattro won’t charge. Damn, if there is power in genset input, turn it on! How fscking hard it can be?
Additional resources still need to be added for this topic
GX - Generator auto start/stop
Automatic Generator start/stop
Virtual switch - Generator start/stop
Additional resources still need to be added for this topic
Cerbo GX - Generator auto start/stop
Automatic Generator Start/ Stop [PDF]
Automatic Generator Start/ Stop [Online]
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