
gunnarh avatar image
gunnarh asked

SmartSolar 100/15 trends, a zoom and export proposal

The new "stored trends" functionality is great, thanks so much for at last adding this! However, it's very cumbersome to zoom in/out around a specific time instance.

Like, if I zoom out to see a complete week, scroll to find an interesting day, and then want to zoom in, the time axis does not keep centered on the current time instance. So when I press "+" the curves mostly jump back to show the last stored data (or some other time instance, it seems a bit non-deterministic).

This makes it almost impossible to zoom into older data, as you currently need to first set the zoom to the desired level, and then scroll (forever) to find the time instance you want to check. And it's also extremely difficult to find the right place when you have zoomed in a lot.

A proposal would be to always keep the center point of the curves at the same place when you zoom in/out. Alternatively, center the curves around the current time position of the slider (this is what most curve-analysis tools typically do).

Another really useful functionality would be if you could export the current trend data as a CSV file (like for the history tab). Obviusly not just the (max two) curves shown on the screen, but all of the stored data.

Should be a simple thing to implement in the app, I believe?

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll pass them on.

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