
theo-duijkers avatar image
theo-duijkers asked

unable to add new installation to VRM

Hi, I've seen more posts with the same question, but no answers worked for me so far.

after logging in to my fresh Victron account and going to VRM portal I can add installation. Choose Cerbo GX

Fill in all details as noted on the sticker (and as I can verify in the screen of my Touch50)
- Installation ID
- MAC address

I get the same error everytime:

The installation with the specified VRM Portal ID or IMEI could not be found.
For more information see:
Datalogging to VRM

Cerbo GX is connected to WiFi (signal strength is about 60%)


What can I've done wrong?

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
theo-duijkers avatar image
theo-duijkers answered ·

How stupid of me. Just updated to 2.89 and the cerbo connected at once. TNX

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Happy to hear it and don't be hard on yourself...

While we recommend bringing all firmware up to date for a new installation. Normally we also try to have things work straight out of the box as well.

In this case, something must have changed that required this extra step.

Hopefully smooth sailing from here :)

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Theo Duijkers

It the Cerbo actually logging to the vrm?

You can check it under VRM portal in the menu. Last contact. You can also change the time period to 1 min intervals there.

If there is no logging happening you cannot add the new installation.

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tyler-pomerhn avatar image
tyler-pomerhn answered ·

Perhaps the MAC address has to be entered in XX:YY:ZZ:AA:BB:CC notation (with colons)?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Theo Duijkers,

The issue is revealed in this message when trying to register,

Please bring your GX device up to the current firmware version and then try again - details of how to do that are here -


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