
aleksejs avatar image
aleksejs asked

Additional load to batteries


I have ESS - Victron MPPT charger 48V + Victron invertor 48V + Cerbo GX.

Carbo GX supply electricity to Grid and calculate electricity draw.

The question is:

Can I put some additional direct consumers to 48V battery (security system, video sustem etc)?

Will the system operate?

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1 Answer
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

Yes you can and it will work.

You will also find a setting under System setup for Has DC system which you can activate.
This will then calculate the power difference between what your inverter use and what the battery supply and show the res seperate on your remote console as an estimate of what the direct DC is using. This is naturally a best estimate and not perfect but it is helpful. It only works if you have a connected battery to your GX.


Just remember that the direct DC part is not under the control of your Victron system. So your system cannot tell it not to use power when the battery is low and stuff like that.

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