Hello, everyone! I live in Chile and recently had a company install 5 kWp of PV and 625 Ah of battery backup at 48V.
The installer told me that the system would use PV when available, but if the battery SOC fell below 40% and PV was at 0 (e.g. night), it would pull from the grid until SOC was above 50%. This way we're only using the grid if we need to, for the least amount of time, and never cycling the batteries below 40%.
It's not working as expected.
When capacity falls below 40%, grid usage stays at 0. I call him, he logs in and makes some change, and it starts pulling from the grid. Then it'll climb above 50% without turning off. I'll call him, he'll make some change, and it'll stop pulling from the grid. I can find the lower limit parameter, but I'm not able to find the upper limit in the configuration. I'm starting to think he's doing this manually.
We live at the end of the line in a rural area, so our grid voltage is unreliable and fluctuates between 205 and 250 throughout the day. In addition to the configuration for when to pull from the grid, I'd like the inverter to accept grid voltage between 205 and 245V so that there are only a few hours out of the day where it might not be able to pull from the grid if it needs to. I'm not able to find that parameter either, but he has sent me screen shots of the web portal that show it exists.
The inverter is a Quattro 48/8000/110-2x100.
What parameters do I need to set in order to get the result that I'm after? If you can tell me what to look at, and whether I can get to it through the panel or if I need to access it through the web portal, I'll be able to verify his settings and figure out where the disconnect is (no pun intended).
Thank you!