
thees-thiel avatar image
thees-thiel asked

Good day, I would like to connect 2 battery bank to my Quattro II 24: Starter bank 24V 500AH lead acid Consumer bank 24 V 600 AH lithium ion with bms The LIPO banK I connect to the main terminals but how do I charge the starter bank?

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jacobjned avatar image jacobjned commented ·

Considering that you have two types of battery bank chemistry and a single Quattro II 24V, you will have to VE.Config/configure the Inverter for one type battery bank. Unless they have the exact programme settings, then there MAY be some hard-wiring possibility to switch between the two banks. But from what I know, lead acid and lithium battery have different configuration settings, and therefore you would have to reprogramme everytime you switch from one battery bank to the other.

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2 Answers
k-k avatar image
k-k answered ·

Use an external charger for the starter-bank.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Configure the Quattro for the house bank as intended. Use an Orion 24/24-17 to charge starter bank from house bank. Normally you need a maintenance charge, not a rapid charge, so this would be adequate.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Re-reading, I see there's a 500AH starter bank. Sorry, you would need multiple Orions in parallel. Probably best with a separate charger from the AC side.
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