I have a Multiplus II 48/5000/70, which is coupled to a 15kWh battery bank, with a 4 kW solar array. When there is little solar, the system 'time shifts' by taking power at off-peak from the mains to charge the batteries.
Within the Dashboard I get display of the Overview, Consumption and Solar elements. However, within these displays there is a fundamental element missing - Indication of how much power has been taken from the mains to charge the batteries. I get figures for battery in and out, but these dont appear to include any mains derived battery charge power. Similarly the 'Consumption' doesn't indicate the power supplied to the battery whilst charging either! Without indication of the 'time shifted' power, the dashboard is woefully incomplete!. I will admit that the Power being pulled from the mains to charge the batteries can be seen in the 'advanced' displays, but there are no totalised values.
Surely this 'Time Shift' Charging is just like using the mains as a generator to charge the batteries! This is certainly a fundamental part of managing, and optimizing the performance of the system.
I have contacted my supplier several times about this to no avail. I have also contacted Victron Technical support and received no reply whatsoever.
For such well designed equipment, is seems odd that there appears to be such a fundamental flaw in the displays.
Has anyone got any bright ideas? and is there a work round for this problem?