
baronner avatar image
baronner asked

Quattro II Eeprom error [CLOSED]

After powering off my Quattro II it won't start. Lights 'bulk', 'absorption' and 'float' starts blinking directly after poweing it on. No other LED's are on and no power on AC-OUT. I did no recent firmware ugrades last months. See VICTRON EEPROM ERROR.mp4 video.

Checking the LED definitions in the Victron Toolit app, this means that there is a 'Hardware or EEPROM error'.

Earlier, I had another problem with the Quattro where the Quattro II stays in 'pass tru mode', so no charging and no inverting. My Victron vendor had to reinstall the firmware and analysed that the cause of this ussue was a corrupted firmware. See this topic.


- Is it in this error state possible to reinstall the firmware with a MK3-cable, which I have to buy?

- And is this smart to do so, because I still have warrenty. EEPROM-issues are very rare on this forum, and these two failures seemed to be related and a bad device/EEprom could be the case. But then again it takes a lot of time to (de)intsall & get the Quattro to the supplier.

What are your thoughts on this?

UPDATE: Quattro has been replaced bij Vendor/Victron.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

closed by opener

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