
alan-beckett avatar image
alan-beckett asked

Using PV MPPTs to output 48v

Hi, newbie here. I am fitting a 48v motor and battery bank to my boat, with about 600W of PV panels to augment my shore charging, and I was recommended by the PV supplier to buy 2 x 100/50 MPPTs, set them to 24v each via the controller and connect them in series to get a 48v output. Is it as simple as that? Or should I have bought a different controller?

48v battery
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It is not recommend/supported to connect the outputs of the MPPTs in series.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You got sold a lemon, Buy a 48V mppt.

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rikhf avatar image
rikhf answered ·

That is a ridiculous advice. Use 48V MPPT's.

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