I am really struggling with et112, zigbee and ccgx. I am so close but it doesnt work. At least I share some things. I have correct zigbee modules, DRF2658C, DRF2659C both have firmware v8.8. I have ET112 with firmware B-4. I mostly understand how these modules works, blink codes etc, have DTK software, Carlo Gavazzi software.
What works:
After lot of try and error, I have been able to configure zigbee modules to work with windows computer and carlo gavazzi software. Its easy when its done, you need USB rs485 adapter to configure rs485 zigbee module.
As other threads mention, one module should be coordinator, that one has solid activity LED. In my case transferring configuration to slave router modules doesnt work so I edited config in them to End point. Slave module in my case RS485 one should blink slowly on activity LED. Fast blink indicates connection to zigbee network is not made.
You should see TX RX LED to blink on both modules as sides try to communicate (carlo software tries to find device f.ex.)
Now whats important is to match parity and baud rate of modules with carlo gavazzi otherwise it doesnt work for me. So Carlo ET112 has default 9,6k baud rate, no parity and 1 stop bit. I have modified zigbee modules to 9,6k baud rate and it connects now though com port and computer with CG SW.
What doesnt work:
CCGX 2.84 ignores meter. There is no settings setupable in CCGX, you have no control over connection from that side. Any help with this. I will try RC candidate version as well but doubt it will do anything.