I have a quattro 10000 with 8x US5000 arriving soon. I have an existing solar edge hdwave 5000. I did ask some questions about the sizing earlier but have a specific case that I'd like to check on with regards to connecting the solar edge to the essential load side.
My setup is good for the factor 1.0 rule and the 8000va is > than the 5kw output of the solar edge so that is all good. However I will have 18kW of generation so the batteries will often be charged 100% quite quickly. The extra 10kW is supplied by two Victron MPPT with an oversized array. There is no export limit at the property so there could be a situation of battery 100% and the Quattro+Solaredge exporting at 15kW with very little load. If the grid falls over then are we in the situation according to the 2.2 example. Would there be a big enough lag to raise the frequency and the solar edge responding resulting in damage to lots of expensive hardware?
I would like to have the extra power the SolarEdge provides primarily for the winter months. We had 8 days without power last year so every bit of generation is important. But at the same time I don't want to destroy any equipment.