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Matthew asked

Orion product development for GX integration

Hi All,

Let me start by saying that I work for an official Victron installer, and I love everything Victron related, and will use nothing else. This question is not a rant by any means, and more a question as to future development.

My question is regarding the Orion series of DC-DC chargers and the integration to GX devices, in the scenario of Motorhome using an Orion as a charging source from the truck alternator.

In a fully integrated system we are able to show on the Touch50 screen all the functions of the battery, MultiPlus, MPPT, and all AC input/output. However, the Orion chargers do not connect to the GX device, and thus show nothing on the Touch50. There is a "DC power" option on the display, which works to see if the Orion is working in terms of Watts, however, we aren't able to see the charger status etc.

We also have requirements to disable the Orion based off Low-Temperature cut outs, which is currently not possible (without a complicated workaround). An integration to the GX device and the existing temperature sensors connected to the GX device could possibly disable the Orion in future.

Thank you.

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