
adev avatar image
adev asked

New VRM bugs?

I have some new, and not so new issues with VRM:

Aside from the recent login issues which seem to be OK now, also:

GPS data, the link to download data (which I usually do on my iPad and open the GPS tracks in google earth) no longer work. Clicking the link either generates no response (where I’d usually get an option to open in google earth, or other…), or it opens VRM in a new browser window, endless loop…

Also I find it very frustrating that VRM world won’t work on my phone, though it works on my iPad. I know it’s awkward to interact with it on my phone, but really I just want to search the list as a quick way to find an public installation.

VRMbug report
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What phone do you have? Web seems to work fine on most android and iphone. There is also the dedicated VRM app.

1 comment
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adev avatar image adev commented ·
ios VRM works fine, VRM world does not.
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