
mariner avatar image
mariner asked

Multiple MPPT combine Daily History view

Good Day All,

I’d like to view the combine daily history of multiple MPPTs. I have three Smart MPPT 100/50s connected via ve.Direct to a Cerbo GX with a Touch 50.

I see I can bounce in and out of menus through the GX, view and even export individual MPPT history via Bluetooth. But again, it’d be way easier if there was just a way to view all of the past daily history combine together, not just a snapshot of the current incoming watts.

Thank you for your input.

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Install the large os image for the gx, enable node red. You can create a summary on the dashboard which combines the daily (today) yield of all the solar chargers. Can output it in a chart or text.

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mariner avatar image
mariner answered ·


If only I knew how to do that lol.

I’ll read up on how to get this done. If you have more details or references you could share then I’d appreciate it. Otherwise, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Something like this, I can paste the flow for you to import:


Looks like this, or however you want it to display:


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