
ranger-rick avatar image
ranger-rick asked

SmartShunt settings for a 24 volt battery bank

What SmartShunt settings do I input for my 24v 200Ah LiFePO4 battery when programming/setting up the SmartShunt? Thank you :)

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2 Answers
mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl answered ·

example-1.jpg@Ranger Rick
Here an example of the settings.
- Set your battery Ampere Hours
- Set the Charged Voltage four your LiFePo4 pack
- Set the Discharge Floor in percent.

That's the start. Then ask or better read the manual so that you underestand which is meaned for which entry in the settings.

example-1.jpg (89.8 KiB)
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ranger-rick avatar image
ranger-rick answered ·

Thank you Mike, but those are settings for a 12Volt battery bank. I need them for a 24-volt battery bank (with two SOK 24v batteries connected in parallel). SOK provides little info.

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