
nicola avatar image
nicola asked

bmv functioning


I wanted to know if the behavior of my device is correct. Right now there is the PV charging and (probably) the starter battery being charged by the main battery. I would expect to see the difference between these currents, instead I see the values changing all the time. Is this normal?

Another question: is there any way to read these values remotely without having to buy the whole gx system?

Thank you

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If your current is changing a lot like that then either your loads are changing or your energy sources are changing or a combination of the two.

If you want to access the data coming out of the BMV's VE.Direct port then you can consult the protocol documentation for more information. Check the link for VE.Direct protocol and VE.Direct HEX protocol BMV:

A more cost effective alternative to buying a whole GX system would be to download the VenusOS and run it on a RaspberryPi.

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