
schreda avatar image
schreda asked

Setup for camper van


After hours of research I finally could manage to complete my setup for my camper van. I would be thankful if someone can review the setup and give me any tip to improve or correct the setup so it‘s done in a proper way

Components i used:

  • Orion Tr 12-12/30 to charge the 100Ah Lithium battery from alternator
  • MPPT 75/15 to charge the battery from my 120Wp solar panel
  • Phoenix smart charger 1+1 30A to charge/supply the system from AC
  • Phoenix 500VA inverter for AC loads
  • BatteryProtect 65A to secure DC loads
  • smallBMS to connect all remote connectors from all components


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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Looking good. Make sure you install a Orion-Tr Smart, not the converter.For fuses: 40A for Orion and Phoenix IP43 and 60A for the inverter are suitable values.

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schreda avatar image schreda commented ·
Thank you!

The inverter manual says that for the 500VA inverter 6mm² cross section is suitable. 60A sounds a littile bit oversized for that cable?

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ schreda commented ·
The datasheet and your diagram says 10mm2 hence my suggestion. Peakpower is 900W. Depending on what type of AC loads you want to power, I'd go with 10mm".
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schreda avatar image schreda Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I would create a negative bus and like the positive bus return all loads and charging sources there rather than connecting everything to the vehicle chassis.

A 120 watt solar panel won't provide much in terms of charging energy. Remember that number is with intense, direct sun which you aren't going to get with a roof-mounted solar panel. For reference, I have two 180 watt panels on my travel trailer roof and get about 250 watts with full sun or about 70%. Also 6 hours of sun is a good rule of thumb. So you will probably get less than 500 watt-hours per day. You should characterize your power needs to see if solar can keep up. Add larger or more panels if needed.

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