
Luis (Tiki) Verdiales avatar image
Luis (Tiki) Verdiales asked

BMV-700 strange behavior

0603c076-1947-4e8f-b065-02953d6299ae.pngUpgraded to 51.2v 100AH 5120wh lithium battery

The settings are entered and reset to 100% charge but the battery monitor starts showing the battery draining faster than the real life of the battery. Have battery software running parallel to the BMV-700Every day the SOC alarm sounds, but the battery still has life. Any suggestions? Thanks.

image.jpgImage Caption

BMV Battery Monitor
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6 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Luis (Tiki) Verdiales

You have your discharge floor set to 20% so you will be draining approximately 80AH to that SOC

And your alarm is set to the same, so I would expect you are getting warnings before the battery still have life left, you are telling the BMV to warn you long before.

On the screenshot the time remaining is the time to discharge floor not flat.

Switch off the setting 'starts synchronised to 100%' if your battery is not fully charged before connecting.

As jonnado mentioned no battery is 100% efficient at charging so you will need to change that as well.

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erikkater avatar image
erikkater answered ·

You still use the same shunt?
Your BMS says around 6A discharge, the BMV says 25A so some setting us wrong in the BMV or your wiring is not as it should be.

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Luis (Tiki) Verdiales avatar image Luis (Tiki) Verdiales commented ·

Here’s my setup, pardon the lousy drawing skills. Thanks for your help and time.

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Luis (Tiki) Verdiales avatar image Luis (Tiki) Verdiales commented ·

Fixed drawing, did not put - to inverter

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Looking at the BMV screenshot. 25a load x 2.5 hrs remain = 62.5ah left ??

You need to tweak some settings in the BMV.

Post a screen shot plz.

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Luis (Tiki) Verdiales avatar image
Luis (Tiki) Verdiales answered ·

image.jpg 544b0ae3-4cde-48fb-81ce-75ab6ed35e28.pngImage Caption
9a1cc0ac-12bc-4cb6-a5a5-c367c861d0ce.pngImage Caption

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

you have used 160Ah out of a 100Ah battery, check the shunt settings and wiring, measure the current and compare it with the BMV reading.

I doubt you have a 100% charge efficiency, 97% is more likely the case.

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Luis (Tiki) Verdiales avatar image
Luis (Tiki) Verdiales answered ·

45ffac03-a783-4ace-80ef-ebcadab46859.pngOk, changed the setting to 97% I decided to disconnect all loads from the inverter and the app still shows 17.69amps bieng pulled. From where??

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