
davidv avatar image
davidv asked

Ev charging station automatique mode


I like charge my car with automatique mode.

I connect car with ev charging station, i start automatique mode, after this a car bloque process charge.

With manuel mode no problème it's ok.

My système is an ESS 3 phases

CCGX version: 2.89

Ev-charging station version: 1.22

Véhicule: Audi Q4 E-TRON

Can you help me please ?

ev charging station
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6 Answers
davidv avatar image
davidv answered ·

Does EV Charging station use IEC 15118.2 protocol?

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modian avatar image
modian answered ·

If you are not feeding into the grid the EVCS could actually not used in automatic mode. I have the same issue with my ESS and EVCS. As far as I understood its will come (hopefully) in a future release

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davidv avatar image
davidv answered ·

Hello Community,

I installed firmware V1.26

This improves the automatic mode of the charging station.

Thank's Victron staff

For a future, It is possible to add a new setting: Max power storage batteries?

Have a good day.

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eleusis avatar image
eleusis answered ·

Resurrecting old thread, but is it still the case that automatic mode only works when back feeding to grid and ess mode?

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greendovefarms avatar image
greendovefarms answered ·

I dont have any problems running in automatic mode and system is totally off grid

Maybe I have different settings loaded into the EV charger

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·


A l'inverse j'aimerais faire fonctionner la EV charging sans Batterie, juste le surplus solaire. Mais malheureusement je ne trouve pas le paramètrage. et j'ai toujours SOC low

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