
rob-birch avatar image
rob-birch asked

Blue solar 150/70 changing preset randomly


I have a system using a 150/70 and 100/30.

My 150/70 MPPT controller is randomly changing preset. I use the Bluetooth dongle. Controller is using FW1.39. I have been using the rotary dial setting #1. Via the software I then changed to a custom preset a couple of weeks ago. Today I came back to the boat and had a high voltage alarm on the BMV. The MPPT was reporting it was set to use position 5 on the rotary encoder.

I cleared it by resetting to rotary dial setting 1 in the software. I then setup my custom preset again . I did not touch the controller (rotary dial).

So my GEL batteries have had 15.2 volts being pumped in for a few hours.

This happened about a year ago as well and I cleared it the same way.

I am due to be off the boat for a few days and really don’t want this to happen again if I am not around.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Rob,

I would return the offending unit to the distributor for replacement. This is not acceptable behaviour for an MPPT.



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rob-birch avatar image rob-birch commented ·

So that means it is a hardware issue? I am in New Zealand. Unit was bought in Australia. Can I work with the local distributor. Is warranty 5 years?

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