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offgridcircuits asked

Teathering Cerbo to Iphone or Ipad Cellular for VRU

I have a newly installed Cerbo and an iphone and ipad with cellular plan and access. I would like to view the Cerbo on the ipad either locally or remotely. I do not have a local router with Wifi. Just the Ipad and Iphone. When I enable tethering on the iphone and ipad, the apple units see the wi-fi tethering network available. When I log into the Cerbo via bluetooth and look at the networks available and scan for them, my apple iphone and ipad are not there. Is this possible to do this? Even if I can use the ipad locally as a display for the Cerbo, I would take that, but It seems I cannot without accessing the vru via a network. Am I seeing this correctly or am I wrong (I accept being wrong).

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


From the manual (FAQ Q25):

  • Tethered or hotspot connections, e.g. with a cell phone, are not reliable and are often interrupted or do not automatically restore the connection once it has been lost. Therefore, this is not recommended.

It's been reported to work with some Android phones but not with iOS. If you're don't to invest into a router, maybe the GlobalLink 520 is something to take into consideration or a GX LTE 4G, a cellular modem for Victron GX devices.

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