
iancal avatar image
iancal asked

what size inverter charger do i need to start a 1.5 hp 240v motor

inverter current draw
2 |3000

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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Ian. This is one of those 'recommendations' that come without a warranty.

That load is about the size of a household pressure pump, small air compressor, or vacuum cleaner. I've used Chinee and Taiwanese 3000W (on the label!) inverters before on kit like that, and haven't had issues. Providing nothing else of any size running at the same time.

Victron kit should be at least as tolerant of start loads, and a 3kVA (not W) should do. I went 5kVA to run other stuff at the same time. Has never tripped.

I reckon 2kVA would be too small, but you could try one if you could find a 'borrower' to test.

And that's providing the load isn't some mongrel bare motor without a start capacitor, then attempting to wind up a heavy load.

Always add a prayer to the inverter gods when you purchase.. :)

2 |3000

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iancal avatar image iancal commented ·

i should have put that it is a sump pump

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ iancal commented ·

Yeh, fair enough. I'd lump that in with my other examples as well. I had a couple of solar powered ones on my old farm. The contractor-supplied cheapie inverters didn't trip, they both just died within 12 months.

Anecdotal of course, and I'd love to hear the views of others re your issue.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I have a 3KVA MultiPlus

I have a horrid 1HP single phase start cap. motor on my pillar drill which doesn't seem to bother my MultiPlus.
My lathe has a 1.5HP 3 phase motor on a VFD - no problems. This is kind of cheating though because it's soft start - slow spin up.
Lawn mower is 1.4KW universal motor - no problems.

It's like JohnC said, there are no hard and fast rules or definitive answers. What works for us may not necessarily work for others.

2 |3000

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