
lfhoward avatar image
lfhoward asked

Smart Solar Charging Intermittent


My Victron Smart Solar 75/15 charger seems to be intermittent in its charging, turning on and off multiple times per day.

How should I troubleshoot this?


Note, the battery is not full so the charger has not entered absorption or float. The intermittent off pattern still happens in absorption and float modes too.

smart solar charging behaviour
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4 Answers
lfhoward avatar image
lfhoward answered ·

I figured out that the on-off-on-off thing only happens while driving down the road (my solar system is on a camping trailer). I double checked all my connections and none were loose. I am thinking the charger may kick off when I drive underneath bridges on the interstate highway. For the part of my trip on two lane roads with no bridges, the system was continuously charging. The intermittent charging seems to be only while driving on the interstate.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

What is the pv voltage doing? Mppt's will shut down if the clouds are dark enough.

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lfhoward avatar image
lfhoward answered ·

Voltage and amperage look like this.


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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

The only thing I can suggest is to test your solar panel to rule out any problem it might have.

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lfhoward avatar image
lfhoward answered ·

More details: temperature in the compartment with the solar charge controller ranged from 90°F-100°F during this time. (32-38°C measured with a Ruuvi Tag)

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