when I turned ON the AC input 1 or AC input 2 in my Quattro 10Kva, the red light " high-temperature warning " blinked, but this warning is fake and the Inverter is cold and working well.
- this fake warning appears only when the battery is full or between 97 to 99 %, if the batteries need to charge from the Quattro no problem, and no warning appears.
Cerbo Version 2.89, Quattro V497, Smartshunt V4.08, ESS mode.
If the Power from AC1 or AC2 is used for Load or to charge the batteries, no warning light, and no problem. but if the batteries are full and have low load consumption this is the problem. In ESS mode, the "Keep batteries charged " option creat to many fake high temp alarms, but "Optimized without BatteryLife" with minimum SOC = 90 to 95% is ok and working without Warnings.
batteries used : SUNLIGHT RES- 6 -SOPZsS - 965 A
Any Help Please?