
lissy avatar image
lissy asked

Inverter not charging , solar shown to be off

Full sun, solar shown on off/0, when generator connected shows bulk charge/ gen charge for a few seconds, then audibly switches off. Tried reset several times, reset batteries, since then green lights on again, no red lights, but not charging. Off grid system, so no alternative. Any ideas?

smart solar charging behaviour
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
What components do you have?
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Check your BMS - maybe even remove the assistant and see if it then charges - I suspect that one of your cells in the battery has reached its balancing point and thus cherging is being turn off so that its not over charged.

1. check ALL the batteries cell voltage when its charging

2. remove the bms ( for testing only and see if the problem goes away) however monitor the battery cell voltages VERY CLOSELY

3. Maybe the battery has a inbuilt BMS and the battery is going open circuit due to one cell being high)

4. more system info like BMS type how its connected, what are all the settings and what assistants are installed.

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