
ludo avatar image
ludo Suspended asked

Connecting Bluetooth devices to Cerbo-GX


I'd like to upgrade my mobile-home with a cerbo-gx, right now I use a "dedicated" smartphone to monitor all my devices, but ofc this isn't really satisfactory.

But, all the devices are distributed wildly inside my RV, I wouldn't want to put in a lot of ve-direct cables to monitor them, all devices have bluetooth, the Cerbo has Bluetooth.

So, when will Victron make an update for the Cerbo that fully enables the Bluetooth capabilities ?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl answered ·

I don't know if this helps in any way. But there are some hints.

Link 2:

In the manual of the Cerbo GX you can find a list of the ruuvi Bluetooth sensors.
Anyway which type of present sensors you are using?
With some mor einformation possible more help is possible.

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

It's nice to see that Victron supports Bluetooth sensors from third parties, but what I (we?) need is Bluetooth support for MPPT, BMV etc. i.e. the "VE-direct" devices to eliminate a wiring chaos.

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