I have a Fronius Primo 8.2-1 connected to two Quattros 48/5000/70-2x100 running in parallel. In addition, we have two SmartSolar MPPT 250-100 chargers and a mix of Pylontech US2000, US3000 and US3000C (12 batteries in total - with the US3000C as masters and the rest as slaves, with three 120A rated cables going from the Lynx to the batteries, distributed as equally as possible).
The Fronius is connected to AC OUT 1, setup is MG50 and in ESS the frequencies are as recommended by Victron: Start 50.2 Hz, Minimum 52.7Hz, Disconnect 53.0.
In Venus, under Pylontech battery, the parameters are identified as follows: Charge Voltage Limit 53.2, Charge and Discharge Current Limit 335.0 A.
When there is enough sun, I get 10kW from the two SmartSolar chargers and around 6kW from the Fronius. Problem can be spotted in this graph, usually at ~11kW sent to the Pylontech batteries (anything above 220A for more than 10 seconds), the Victron raises the frequency and the Fronius gets disconnected with error 105 (too high frequency). The Victron then drops the frequency back to 50Hz, Fronius spends some time and does its checks and after a while its connected again, rinse and repeat.
When there is high load on the house, the Victron leaves the Fronius to work at its full potential, sustaining 5.5-6kW for as long as there is enough sun. So my guess is that the reason for this behavior is somewhere between Victron and Pylontech.
Does someone have an idea why this is happening, what can we test and do to solve this?
Thanks in advance.