
Louw Jansen van Rensburg avatar image
Louw Jansen van Rensburg asked

My new EasySolar does not even power on. Where do I start?

Hi guys. My EasySolar was installed today. After battery and PV comnection as well as grid connection there is no response on the system. It does bot switch on? What is my next steps to troubleshoot the system? (There is 239V on the AC in confirmed with a multimeter.) Louw

EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

Hi Johan, does your color control switch on? What’s your battery readings where they connect to the inverter?

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Louw Jansen van Rensburg avatar image
Louw Jansen van Rensburg answered ·

Hi M. Thank you for the response. Nothing is displayed on the CCGX. When I measure the battery poles it shows 1.4 V. (I was told the battery might be in sleep mode due to shipping and only wake up after first charge input?). Louw

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Louw Jansen van Rensburg avatar image
Louw Jansen van Rensburg answered ·

Murraynated. Your Q had me relook the battery and the specific battery I have could be reset to awake it from sleep mode. It resolved the challange!

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