Can someone help me with this qml, I now I need to work out how to hack qml but i'm stummped right now.
Setup Venus os 2.8 on Rpi 3B+
I have created a pulse counter service (to display my narrowboat engine hours) I am updating the 'trip' counter so that I can reset it using the console interface - it all works.
But the accumulated float rounding errors upset the display format see image here.
I know I need to change the qml in "PagePulseCounterSetup.qml"
Which currently says:
MbOK { description: qsTr("Reset counter") value: itemCount.value editable: true onClicked: { itemCount.setValue(0) } VBusItem { id: itemCount bind: Utils.path(bindPrefix, "/Count") }
But what do I need to change it to, to display 1 decimal place ?
I tried a few things but they did not work.