
jimduchek avatar image
jimduchek asked

24V 3000 MultiPlus-II 2 x 120V -- hottest spots on the case?

Does anyone know where is the best (read: hottest) place on the outside of this thing to place a temperature probe? My mounting situation is not ideal and I'm providing some external fans for airflow, that will be controlled by said probe. Do not want them cranked at 100% all the time, especially since it seems the Multiplus itself doesn't even want/need to run it's own fan at all most of the time (when I'm using 2, 300W or so). Silence is golden. I suspect there's a spot that gets hottest when charging the battery and another spot that gets hottest when inverting heavily... I'm on a 15A shore hookup right now (Just installed it a couple days ago) though so I can't run the charger full-tilt to see where the charger heat is, and I don't really have any _full_ loads to put on the inverter (I guess I could turn on the A/C and plug in a space heater and let them battle for a little while... but hoping somebody's got a good answer first)

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I would think that the 2 hottest places for either charging or inverting will be the heatsink area for the power Fets and the transformer. This would indicate that roughly the centre of the back would be the place to probe for case temperature...

2 |3000

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