
fantail avatar image
fantail asked

Venus/cerbo GX OS 2.87 - alarms ChargeBlocked, DischargeBlocked incomplete


/Alarms/ChargeBlocked and /Alarms/DischargeBlocked

defined in root@beaglebone:/opt/victronenergy/vrmlogger# cat

not included in / opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/PageBatteryAlarms.qml

do not appear to cause notifcations to work when activated.

do not down load from VRM portal in spreadsheet files

Can these alarms please be completed as they are very useful when dealing with parallel connect battery stacks. they can be used to show charge MOS disabled below 90% soc, discharge MOS off - low capacity cells , dieing cells warning etc.

Venus OS
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1 Answer
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

This 2 signals are not Alarms, they switch charging off or inverter off by the BMS, mainly set by a Ve.Bus BMS or the 2-wire BMS assistant on a Quattro / Multiplus.

They are not critical conditions, just messages from some 3rd party BMS and the Victron Ve.Bus BMS AFAIK. You would see a daily alarm when the battery is full and complain about the alarm, if they would show up.

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