
sesshoumaru avatar image
sesshoumaru asked

Software update procedure and consequences


I have a couple questions about the consequnces of firmware updates in the victron system. Most of them are probably easy and states somewhere, but I am not sure how reliable the answers are.

1) Assume I update the firmware of the CerboGX - is it correct that the connected Quattro Inverters will shutdown during that time, so that AC-1-out and AC-2-out will loose power?

2) Assume I update an assistant on the Quattro inverters (e.g. AC-2-out relay control) - is it correct that they will shutdown during that time, so that AC-1-out and AC-2-out will loose power?

I have my doubts why 1) should be and 75% sure 2) is true - even when I see no techncal reason why to have it, because default should be passthrough of what is there on AC-1-in, until the inverter comes back on.

Thank in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


GX update usually ends up ass passthrough on an ESS system

A firmware update on a Quattro or Multi ends in a system restart. you will have to reprogram. If done over the VRM it will power up again and wait to be reconfigured again.

And a firmware update like the one on your phone restarts it and a computer. Why would it not restart, it is writing its base programming in and changing an entire system?

It is best to not update at all if it is a fully working with no issues system. Or if a new cool feature has come out (but on bigger systems unless it is most used best to also leave it).

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