
rjhillelectrical avatar image
rjhillelectrical asked

AC connected PV metering multiplus2 gx

So a bit of a weird one this, I’m running a multiplus2 gx with

a A/C connected PV on the input side of the multi plus(i have also tried on the a/c out1 as well) with a ct clamp installed at the grid meter but it seems to be recording the current flow off the PV @ 2600w or there about consistently, which then tells me that its produced 16kw over night??? I’ve tried changing the metering settings but had no luck getting it to read the correct measurement for the PV any ideas???

thanks in advance Robert.

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rjhillelectrical avatar image rjhillelectrical commented ·


also the PV appears on the ac out1 side of the inverter?

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1 Answer
rjhillelectrical avatar image
rjhillelectrical answered ·

ahh what a numpty, I've realised that I've configured the ct clamp to the wrong input through

the VE configure 3

all re adjusted and working fine now

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