
Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image
Rabeendra Tilakaratne asked

LiFePo4 battery connection

I need to connect the controls of Multiplus II with 3rd party 48V 200Ah LiFePo4 battery. Can I connect the battery directly to CAN bus or RS485 without any accessory to monitor and control the battery BMS.

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It depends.

You need a GX device in the system for CAN connectivity, it can't connect direct to a multi.

It also needs to be a supported monitor:

Though third party devices may work fine, just unsupported.

Some BMS may require you to use an RSxxx connection, some local devs have produced a driver for the GX which enables this:

Again, support is between you and the battery/bms manufacturer.

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