
mterman avatar image
mterman asked

MPPT tracking on RS 450/100

Two inputs of the RS 450/100 MPPT. New installation.

The same 5 panels are connected to each of the inputs. They are on the same roof, and the orientation is identical. Data is sent every 10 minutes to the VRM portal.
I am just wondering why is the MPPT point of the tracker 2 so unstable?


mppt rs
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is very possible that the logging interval is catching the tracker retracking and so looks weird.

Have you tried switching to minute logging for a day or so and seeing if that is the issue?

2 |3000

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mterman avatar image mterman commented ·
Yes, that is possible. I will try that tomorrow.

Thank you!

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mterman avatar image mterman mterman commented ·

@Alexandra today i did what you suggested. Switched logging interval to 1 minute, and I also disabled charging until 13:00 h when the sun is at it's highest to test the system maximum. MPPT point was stable and I'm satisfied with the power produced.


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