
dw01 avatar image
dw01 asked

Can you trigger a 12v relay from Orion Smart output?

If I have an Orion Smart 12/12 acting as a DCDC charger for a lithium caravan battery with power supplied from a car battery/alternator only when the alternator is operating. Can I connect a 12v relay to the Orion outputs as well to trigger a load from the caravan battery, only when the Orion is providing charge? For example if I have the 3-way fridge connected to the caravan battery, this would enable it to draw 12v power but only when the Orion was proving charge to the battery which in turn would only happen when the alternator in the car was operating. The purpose would be to avoid having to run a separate VSR protected cable run from the car for the fridge 12v needs.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Not simply.

To do this you need to duplicate the Orion's engine on detection, or detect charge current on the Orion's input or output.

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