
bm97ppc avatar image
bm97ppc asked

Seperate Multiplus II on 1 battery bank

Can you connect to 2 Multiplus's to a shared Battery / BMS. Obviously possible for Parrel and 3 phase set up, but can they work standalone sharing a battery and BMS?

As and example.

8 x US2000C

Multiplus II 3000 230V

Multiplus II 3000 120V

1 X Cerbo GX

The AC side would be completely separate (except Earth).

Multiplus-IImultiple inverters
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Only one of the MultiPlus' can be part of the system and have its energy flows counted.
The other one can be connected to the CerboGX with a MK3-USB dongle but it will only show up in the menus for casual observation of its data. Its energy will not be counted in the system, it will not be visible in the graphical pages nor in VRM dashboard.

If only your earth will be shared how are you separating the neutrals from earth? How are you ensuring that there will never more than one neutral-earth bond at any one time?

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bm97ppc avatar image
bm97ppc answered ·

OK thanks, does the standalone unit still repect the BMS, i.e. low battery stop inverting?

In the example above there would be no AC in on the 120V so both L and N would be from AC Out and efectively off grid.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

Did you ever implement this as I'm thinking about the same thing?

Theoretically when the BMS says "no more discharge" in an off-grid setting, both inverters have no choice but to shut down. I'm curious to know if this works in practice.


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