
nimrod avatar image
nimrod asked

AP SYSTEMS YC500A and frequency shifft

Does anybody bas try ac coupling with apsystem yc5000a. ? Thanks

AC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
rvicev avatar image
rvicev answered ·

In 2018 APsystems published a white paper saying that frequency shift power management had been tested with a special version of the YC500 and had been certified by APsystems and Victron ..... (see attachment).

However, since then they no longer seem to support this (at least in the FAQ on their web-site it says that they don´t support off-grid and micro-grid solutions). When asked APsystems EMEA simply said ¨not supported¨, without any further explanation

When asked Victron Netherlands said : contact our dealers, they should handle customer questions ..... but so far I have not been getting any useful answers.


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