
burnley-erc avatar image
burnley-erc asked

Hi, I have a Problem with my Phoenix Multi plus 12/3000 when using a generator

I am unsure what position the remote switch is supposed to be in when using my built in Cummins Onan 3.5KVA generator in my RV. Is it supposed to be ON or CHARGER ONLY? When I am Using the generator and have the switch to CHARGER ONLY the blue mains on LED flashes and then the inverter will switch off, this happens mainly when there is nothing with any large power usage, kettle, water heater etc turned on. If I have a large load connected when I switch over to generator then the blue mains light flashes then becomes solid and one of the battery condition LED’s light. If I then use say the microwave the inverter will “click off” when the microwave finishes cooking. This doesn’t happen every time and is driving me nuts. If I have the remote switched to ON and switch over to generator and a large load on the inverter blue light comes on and then it will either go to battery low mode and or battery overload. I then have to reset the battery circuit breaker and start again. On mains 230v (Australia) power it is fine it is only when using the generator and sometimes it will work OK. and just switch through to mains on.Any help would be appreciated.

Phoenix Inverter
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Suggest that you turn UPS off in the mutli and if this does not work then turn weak AC on.

you will need a MK3 and a computer with VE configure on it to change the UPS setting


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2 |3000

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burnley-erc avatar image burnley-erc commented ·
Thanks Paul, I will have to take the RV into a Victron dealer to access the software as I haven’t got a PC anymore just an Ipad.
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burnley-erc avatar image burnley-erc commented ·
Hi Paul, the inverter I have is approx 15 years old so I assume this will be to old to connect via a PC. There are a number a DIP switches on the main processor PCB do you know if one is the UPS function, thanks Eric
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