I have 2 systems running ESS, both are Quattro 48v/15k units. At the moment they are current wired with everything behind AC-out-1 (inc. PV with their own ET112's), however I was planning to split them to essential/non-essential by using ET112 Grid Meters, and then connecting the non-essential items to the AC-in side. I cannot use AC-out-2 as the non-essential loads total more than the 50A maximum.
Researching this I have discovered the issue of the added ESS feedback lag when using this setup, and was trying to work out the best way round it. The loads are such that this lag will cause issues with the metering. The Quattro's don't have the external "Input CT" input, and as far as I can see the normal CT input assistant is limited to 40A, and can only be used to measure PV generation.
Does anyone know of an actual solution to this when using a Quattro's?
If anyone has any good ideas then they would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards