
gerbrand-meijer avatar image
gerbrand-meijer asked

Vetus Water level sensor directly on Cerbo GX

Hi, I have trouble finding information on wheter a tank sensor like can be directly connected to the Victron Cerbo GX resistive tank connectors (or the tank GX 140 tank is required in between). Does anyone have experience with this combination?


tank monitor
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The page you linked to states

Please note; this sensor will only correctly operate a Vetus Instrument (or any using the European scale of 300Ω empty, 0-30Ω Full).

The Cerbo GX manual states

The tank level ports can each be configured to work with either European (0 - 180 Ohm); or US tank senders (240 - 30 Ohm) standards; or to configure a custom Ohm resistance range between 0 Ohm and 300 Ohm (requires firmware v2.80 or higher).

Therefore it appears that the Vetus sender you link to should work but you will have to use the custon range.

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