
juergen225 avatar image
juergen225 asked

Push-button with dual-colour LED for Peak Power Pack

Hi, I need the pin assignment of the 4-pin push-button because the cable is completely broken off.

Peak Power Pack
2 |3000

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1 Answer
roscove avatar image
roscove answered ·

Yes very annoying. VE don't have a replacement item on their web site. You mention a 4 pin , How do you know this? the 3.5mm plug seems to be a mono type plug. I've lost mine and can not find a replacement in heaven or hell. VE has not responded after 5 days, and the Dealer / seller of the PP)P not responded after 4 days. = total CRAP post sales support !! Really need this lead to control functions of the BMS

2 |3000

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Related Resources

Peak Power Pack Product Page.

Peak Power Pack Manual PDF.

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