
RickS avatar image
RickS asked

Wiring my new SmartShunt

Hello all

We have a travel trailer with 2 - 12v batteries connected in parallel (Neg-Neg & Pos-Pos) using 4 GA wires

The Pos from one battery goes to a bus bar where all other Pos wires are connected using 8 GA wire

The Neg from the other battery goes to a bus bar where all other Neg wires are connected using 8 GA wire, the bus bar is connected directly to the frame

For the Shunt install, assuming I am correct, I will take the Neg from the bus bar that is currently going to the battery and redirect it to the Shunt - System Minus then add a new Neg wire from the battery to the Battery Minus of the Shunt. Install the Red shunt power supply and I should be done... correct?

Next question, should the new Neg wire be of 8 GA to match the existing Neg to ground or should it be 4 GA like what is between the 2 batteries, my guess is 4 GA is fine b/c that is what the RV is using.



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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Toy4Rick,

What you're saying sounds like the correct wiring, be sure to double check it with the quick installation diagrams linked at the top of the SmartShunt topic here -

You'd definitely want to use the equal thickest wire for the connection between the battery to the shunt - all current will be passing through it. Exact sizing will depend on that load (and the temperature resistance of the wire insulation).

This is how I have my travel trailer wired with a similar setup:


travel-trailer.jpeg (365.2 KiB)
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RickS avatar image
RickS answered ·

Thanks, I have the guide and what is throwing me is the term Loads... if that means the Neg bus bar where the battery currently goes along with all the other Neg connections... then I'm good...


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Loads are the neg busbar, shunt has two sides, battery and loads.

The term loads is confusing sometimes, but it's accurate. Think of it as the point where all the used electricity is returned to the battery.

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